Honestly, things have been pretty good. I don't have much to write about (although this usually leads to me going of on something quite random ;)). I have been checking quite regularly, usually at least 6 times a day. My sugars have been kind of all over with no clear pattern in sight, but I am recording everything so hopefully we can make some changes when I have to go back to my dreaded CDE appt. in a week and a half on April 21st.
My next goal is to start exercising. I have just been very lazy about it lately. My hon and I used to take regular walks in the neighborhood behind our house with our pup, Bella, but lately that has been a no go. I'll need to get on track with it! But...speaking of Bella, I don't think you have ever met her!

I will now digress from all things diabetes related and onto something absolutely dear to this girl with diabetes' heart: My Bella, who just so happens to have puppy training tomorrow!! I am so nervous!
Bella is already two years old. I got her in May 2006, before my last year of law school. She was actually a birthday gift from my wonderful husband (umm, with a little help from me :)) and he actually propsed to me a few weeks after we got her. Let's just say I cried the first day I left her to go to work that summer. She was in her kennel for four hours, and I cried the entire way to the court house!! It was so pathetic, haha! So, yes, she is my baby...but I will be the first to admit (and the only one who better ever say) that she needs some work!
Bella can throw a temper tantrum like no child I have ever met (and I have seen some ki
ddos and their tantrums!). I have been trying to get some of these on video, but she is too smart for me! When I do, I promise to share!! Bella is what I like to call demanding. She wants what she wants when she wants it, and yes, I know I contribute to that, which is why I am taking her (umm, me) to training! She also doesn't tend to like certain people...we never know who, or when, but if she doesn't want you to touch her, she will snap at you, after growling quietly under her breath. It is a rare occassion, but I hope to see children in my future, and hopefully they will not be furry and will only walk on all fours for a temporary amount of time! And, ANY snapping is not quite rare enough. So yes, little missy is going to get trained, and I am scared to death... Mr. Trainer better not say anything mean about my sassy little thing or else I might...well, I might cry!!

Little Ms. Bella thinks I am the most amazing person in the whole wide world! It never matters how I feel, what my blood sugars are, how much weight I gain, or how moody I am - she loves me. Sometimes I think she actually believes I am not only her Mom, but I am also her little girlfriend, haha! If my husband and I are hugging, after a few seconds we will hear a squeaky whining noise coming from around our knees, then this little white blur will begin to jump up on us while throwing her head in a tantrum...until I pick her up and sandwich her right there in between us, haha!! Yes, I love it! But, I am not looking forward to one more opportunity for me to be 'graded' ... this time on how I am doing as a Puppy Mommy rather than how I am doing with my diabetes...but, such is life, and I have a feeling that this will be a lot easier than controlling a disease that will not be controlled!!
I'll definitely keep you posted on how we do!! Wish me luck! (told you I'd go off on a tangent...)
Hi Suzanne.
What a good looking little doggie! Where did the name "Bella" come from?
I posted a "puppy" piece earlier this morning. Stop by for a look, and feel free to add your own thoughts.
You could talk about doggies all day & I wouldn't care. I love 'em!
Oh and puppy school is so much fun. But it does mean a lot of work for you and Bella. We always had homework each week when I took Brutus (our biggest Rottie). He's such a sweetheart, but he IS big, so I took him to class so he would get used to me telling him what to do. (Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Oh well, I try.)
Bella is such a cutie! Something about those little dogs makes them think they are HUGE dogs. My little Sophie (Shih Tzu) bosses our big dogs (3 Rotties, a Blue Heeler + our Cocker Spaniel) around all the time. And they take it. It's hilarious! And she doesn't like anyone hugging unless she's included too - just like Bella. Isn't that funny?
Dogs love you unconditionally, too. That's priceless! No matter how bad my day has been, my Sophie and the rest of them are so happy to see me when I get home. I love it!
Hi, I just wanted to stop by and thank you for the comment that led me to your site. I've just taken the time to read all of your posts. I want you to know that I am so happy you are sharing your story with us. I wish you only the best of luck in journey to find control!
Your dog is adorable. If you haven't notices there are many members of the OC who love their pets like children, me included.
Jeff - Awesome post!! everyone needs to go read it here: http://www.godoatest.com/go-do-a-test-posts/2008/4/9/blood-glucose-and-puppies.html
Donna - Yes, Bella thinks she is huge AND human! She LOVES to play with big dogs and just jumps up all over them! I just hope she isn't too old to be trained...
Jillian - Thanks! I am so happy to have found you as well! I have very quickly learned that I can do anything when I am surrounded by friends =:~)
She's so cute! :)
How adorable! She's so darling, you'll be a fantastic mommy to her, no matter what!
Don't be discouraged at "being graded", it's just an opportunity for improvement to better yourself! :D
You're doing well, your CDE appointment should be fine too, don't fret about it too much. You're trying to improve, and doing a dang good job at it!
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