Monday, March 22, 2010

So.... c-section or induce??? How do I decide?!

Another Friday appointment and ultrasound gone, but more questions are left unanswered. This past Friday, I saw both my OB and my MFM Specialist, but I really wish I had seen my OB after MFM...

First my OB, who I trust very much. At my appointment, she mentioned that if my protein made another significant jump, she would schedule me for THIS Wednesday rather than next. The deciding factor will be the results of my weekly HELLP Panel and 24 hour, which I turned in this morning. She has been saying, and repeated again, that everything so far has gone remarkably well and that she doesn't want to push it by going too far. We've all come too far for things to go poorly now, and I agree. I trust her and I know that she will do what is best for both my and my baby...

Then we went for the u/s with MFM and saw a doctor who I had never seen before, since ours was out that Friday, and well, they are "Friday checkups" for a reason ;) All looked great with our wonderful baby girl, who was now about 5 pounds, 7 ounces. As usual, she hid her face, but nevertheless, I think I could pick that little u/s face out of a lineup with 100 other babies! All continues to look great, and again, we can't hope for more than that! However, on the way out the door, the MFM doc asked us what our plan for delivery was. So, I told him that based on my ophtholmologists recommendation, we were scheduled for a c-section. His response went something like this (remember, he is one foot out the door):

"Really?? I have never heard of a c-section being recommended based on diabetic retinopathy... You could certainly go through a vaginal delivery and when it came time to push, they would just use that vacuum thing or forceps... You could always get a second opinion (from another ophth), ... mumbled something about it just being his opinion ... but I am a specialist so I guess that is what I am here for " and then he was gone....
Basically, all I heard was that I don't necessarily have to have a c-section, while my husband just looked at me and shook his head, reading my mind and hoping I wouldn't go there, afterall, he also trusts my OB and really wants what is best for both me and the baby.
So, now I'm confused and don't know what to do. I mean, the MFM doc IS a specialist, so he should know a little something about it... but my OB also knows me and I trust her opinion, as well... and my ophth, who is my cousin, but doesn't have a huge amount of experience yet, let alone experience with T1 pregnancies and I know she got her recommendation from the black and white pages of a text book... and then there is MY opinion and my dream to have a normal delivery, but who knows if that will happen regardless of the "plan"... and so the circle goes...
There are pros and cons to each, but how do I know what outweighs the other when I don't know the OUTCOME?!
So, I've called my OB this morning to get her opinion. If she still thinks c-section is best, then I'll go with it, but I want her to know that I am still open to being induced, if possible and even if it ends up resulting in a c-section anyway.
One thing I do know is that my protein was stable after today's results and we have another week for this baby girl to grow, to get stronger, and to help us make an educated decision on how exactly she will enter this world on March 31st... although, you know, if we can push it back into April, I'd be okay with that, too ... ;)
New updated nursery pics coming soon!!


Christi said...

It is nervewracking isn't it when there doesn't seem to be a clear answer?! You are moving in the right trust your OB. Let her know the other doctor's opinion and see what she thinks. But if you get a strong feeling that is different, feel free to speak up and let her know too. You should have every chance at your dream unless it's detrimental to you or the baby's health, and that's where you have to rely on the doctors. Best to you as you close in on welcoming your baby daughter to the world! The process to get there may be messy, but once she's here it will all fade away. :)

Katie I. said...

Hey Suzanne, that's definitely a tough decision. For me, I don't like to change my mind once I've considered the options and made the decision, so I would probably be inclined to just stick with the original plan... but that's just me. I had a planned C-section and healed well and was fine with the way it all went. I've heard of several T1 moms whose docs have recommended C-sections just because it's easier on the eyes.
You are in my prayers!!

Heidi W said...

I would recommend c-section. I am also T1 since the age of 9. My daughter was born vaginally at 39 weeks and they had to use forceps.. it was a bad experience for me and her.
My doctor this time around says their hospital doesn't use forceps, so I am having a c-section this time.
Don't worry about that doctor. he doesn't know you and shouldn't have said anything at all.