Well, so far things have been really well. I have been trying not to be TOO strict, for fear that I will just give up...and so far, it worked. Well today my husband and I went to a little football party so I was not especially on my own game. It was fun, but when I got home, my BS was 512. Yikes. It is amazes me how that doesn't really phase me, though. I don't feel sick or anything. I mean, maybe a little tired, but nothing else. Shouldn't I be throwing up and completely ill?? Nope, not I. I mean, do other people have that same reaction or is it just me?? How do "normal" diabetics feel when their blood sugar is that high??? Should that even concern me? I mean, I took my insulin and I know it will go down, but should I have felt that it was shooting up?? Oh well. I know that some day soon when my blood sugar hits 300, I will immediately know it, right? or is that just an illusion I have in my mind. I honestly just don't even remember anymore.
Oh, and GO TIGERS!! :~)
4 years ago
If your blood sugar hits something that you haven't been near in the recent past, you'll feel it. If you go 50-100 points higher than you've been at any other point in the previous two weeks, or about 10 points lower than you've been, you'll feel it. Your body stops sending you distress signals if it doesn't think you're paying attention to them, I guess. You should be thirsty at 500 no matter what.
If you get better control, you will feel the 500s- even the 300s. Of course, at that point it will be a less useful feeling.
Actually, the signs of a high are non-specific. Although they may include thirst, dry mouth or a need to use the restroom, those signs may not necessarily always be present with highs. I've found the only reliable way to tell for sure is to test, and its worth nothing that the accuracy of most meter brands is incredibly high, often well over 600 mg/dL (check the package inserts with your test strips for details on your brand). Sadly, the low ranges are not tested to the same frequency, and I often hear people say they tested at 36 mg/dL. When it gets that low, treat it certainly, but don't count on the number to be truly accurate. On the high end, however, its safe to rely on the numbers most meters give.
I think that once your control is a little tighter then you'll be better able to feel the high.
Our bodies get used to this so quickly. I think this is why it's so easy to be undiagnosed with Type 2. Kind of stinks!
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