Well, for the first time in my 18 years as a diabetic, my A1C was down to 7.5!! How awesome is that!?! I just want to shout from the rooftops "I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, AND I DID IT!!!"
The sensors have definitely helped, but I am going to take some credit here, too. I stayed strong, remained dedicated, sucked up the weight gain, and just kept going. Sure, I had bad days, and I had periods where I would slack off, but I always got back on track and I know that next time, it will be even lower :)
However, my microalbumin level was up to 33. Last year it was 9, which was within range (0-18), but now it is up to 33. My doc is out of town, so I have to wait to see what my "plan" will be, but I am trying not to feel too discouraged by it. I am hoping I can still have children, but I am waiting for doctor's orders. I don't want to put myself or my baby at risk...
Talk about a hell of a weekend, though. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, stroke and panic attack all at the same time trying to get in touch with the doctor to get my results this morning. I was so scared!! But, at least now I know and I know I just have to keep fighting hard, just like everyone else :)
4 years ago